ikväll är jag lite saknig

VOLUMINOUS, adj. I have already spent roughly five thousand hours asleep next to you. This has to mean something.

INDELIBLE, adj. That first night, you took your finger and pointed to the top of my head, then traced a line between my eyes, down my nose, over my lips, my chin, my neck, to the center of my chest. It was so surprising. I knew I would never mimic it. That one gesture would be yours forever.

DEADLOCK, n. Just when it would seem like we were at a complete standstill, the tiebreakers would save us.           If Emily’s birthday party and Evan’s birthday party were on the same night, we’d go to the movies in stead of having to choose. If I wanted Mexican and you wanted Italian, we’d take it as a sign to go for Thai. If I wanted to get back to New York and you wanted to spend another night in Boston, we’d find a bed-and-breakfast somewhere in between. Even if neither of us got what we wanted, we found freedom in the third choices.


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